TRE workshop

In a 2-hour workshop you’ll learn how to safely apply TRE for yourself. You’ll get an explanation about what tension does in your body and how you can let go. Then you’ll experience the exercises and the shaking. You’ll learn how to do this safely. Attending one workshop may already enable you to do TRE with the instruction booklet that you receive. But it can also be nice, and sometimes really necessary, to have some extra guidance in an individual session, an extra workshop or follow up lessons.

There are group lessons for 3-5 people and group lessons for 6-8 people. See the agenda for locations and dates.

Note: if you know of yourself that you have many unprocessed issues that you have not previously dealt with, or have serious physical or psychological complaints, then a workshop is not suitable. In that case it is better to book an individual session. Please contact me to discuss. And always discuss your plans with your treating doctor.

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